Mask image tool
Mask image tool

While you can make as many strokes as you like, fewer strokes actually work better. This is particularly true if a stroke needs to follow something changing shape as it moves, like an arm.


Now, you might think that it’d be beneficial to apply a really long stroke, so the software is registering more of the person, right? Well, as noted in the reference manual, very long paint strokes aren’t usually that useful and can be counterproductive later on when you’re trying to track strokes to follow motion in the clip. To apply a Magic Mask to a person, you simply add a stroke to the person you want to mask. Here’s an example of Magic Mask’s user interface. So, there’s not really any additional learning needed-to some extent. The Mask Finesse panel, for example, has near enough all the same settings you’ll have for HSL qualifications and power windows. Ultimately, there’s nothing wholly new about this area as it’s remarkably similar to other elements within Resolve.

mask image tool

It’s divided into three areas: the Toolbar, the Stroke list, and the Mask Finesse panel. When you click that, you’ll see this new panel. On the color page, you’re going to find a new icon titled Magic Mask. So, let’s have a look at how you use this tool. The Magic Mask is being applied to the man in the image. So, it’s already slightly different between using the HSL qualifier to isolate the color of a car. And, yes, this does suggest that this Magic Mask is to be used on humans only. With the Magic Mask, you can either generate a mask for the entire person or switch the operation to focus on a specific feature-from the arms to the person’s shoes. This new tool allows you to isolate one or more people within your composition by applying nothing more than paint strokes to the person. The latest such feature is the Magic Mask.

mask image tool mask image tool

With the neural engine, we’ve seen several new features added to Resolve over the past year.

Mask image tool